Since the Léonce Blanc brand was born in the midst of the richest, best quality French orchards, today, its teams are still careful to choose the fruit for the brand's recipes from the best places.

In search of the best soil

The Léonce Blanc experts and quality specialists visit the best plantations in the world in order to select the ones which guarantee the best fruit crops.

In fact, the Léonce Blanc teams are convinced that cultivation with respect for the original characteristics of the fruit contributes to the unlocking of its qualities. Our experts pay close attention to the land chosen for plantations and the development and harvesting methods of each fruit.

The Léonce Blanc purchasing, quality and R&D teams work closely together to test and select the varieties of each fruit which are of the best quality for optimum stability in purees and sauces especially.

To do this, a “test and validation” protocol mobilises the teams in several stages:

  1. Taste tests are done on the site where the fruit is cultivated.
  2. The tests are replicated internally on our production sites in order to validate the quality and stability of the fruits selected.

We have always chosen the fruits which are best adapted to our quality requirements.

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