One man, expertise and boldness: this is our original recipe.

Our history

Creation & ingenuity

In 1892, Léonce Blanc founded his business and his first production site in Lubersac, Corrèze.

His idea: to mechanise the processing and preservation of the natural, agricultural produce at the heart of a region rich in fruit, vegetables and mushrooms.

The development of the Léonce Blanc recipes and packaging sizes continued, over time, to ingeniously meet the needs of each age. This is evidenced by the 35% fruit jam created during the post-war shortages and the initial sizing of the individual plastic pots of compote.

Good taste

As both taste tester and creative, Léonce Blanc recovered the best local resources with one objective: to preserve their original qualities.
Good taste is therefore at the heart of each of the brand’s creations as a value and a requirement passed down from generation to generation.

Choosing the land

Léonce Blanc creations have always relied on the produce of the best land. This is how the oldest Léonce Blanc recipes added value to Corrèze apples, chestnuts, certain red berries; fruit native to the basin.

Today, our experts and quality specialists still visit the areas renowned for the quality of their fruit and retain those which best meet the brand’s requirement for excellence.

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