Lime/blueberry patisserie log

Buche pâtissière citron vert/myrtille Download the recipe


Zigzag biscuit
(for a 50x10cm log mould)

  • Egg whites 300 g
  • Caster sugar 280 g
  • Egg yolk 200 g
  • T45 flour 240 g
  • Natural red colouring

Blueberry filling
(for 1x50cm filling 3cm thick)

Lemon zest biscuit

  • Egg whites 240 g
  • Caster sugar 120 g
  • Ground almonds 140 g
  • Icing sugar 80 g
  • T45 flour 40 g
  • Powdered milk 10 g
  • Zest of 1 lemon

Lime cream

  • Gold gelatine sheets 14 g
  • Caster sugar 20 g
  • Léonce Blanc lime purée 220 g
  • Italian meringue 400 g
  • So?ly whipped cream (35% fat) 400 g


Zigzag biscuit

Preheat the oven to 180°C. In the mixer bowl, slowly whisk the egg
whites with half the caster sugar.
Increase the speed to medium and slowly add the rest of the sugar.
Continue whisking the eggs, keeping the mixture soft.
Add the yolks, and carefully mix together.
Carefully fold in the flour in several goes with a spatula.
Remove a little of the dough and add colouring to make it red. On the
baking paper, use a narrow nozzle to pipe zigzags along a strip 24x50cm.
Cover the remainder of the strip with the plain dough without
touching the zigzags. Smooth. Bake at 180°C for 7 to 9 minutes.
Remove from the oven, put another sheet of baking paper over the
biscuit. Turn over then remove the baking paper.
Cool for 5 minutes then cover with film and set aside.

Blueberry filling

Soften the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water.
In a suitable saucepan, add 1/3 of the blueberry purée.
Heat gently without going over 50°C.
Add the well-drained gelatine and whisk well to combine.
Add the rest of the blueberry purée. Mix well.
Pour all of the blueberry jelly into the insert mould.

Lemon zest biscuit

Combine the ground almonds, flour, icing sugar and milk powder.
Put the egg whites and half the caster sugar in the mixer bowl. Whisk
at medium speed, slowly adding the remaining sugar.
Continue whisking, keeping the mixture soft.
Add the grated lemon zest, then carefully fold in the dry ingredient
mixture using a spatula.
On a baking tray lined with baking powder, spread the biscuit out to
a strip 50×12 cm. Bake at 180°C for 20 to 25 minutes.
Turn the biscuit over onto another sheet of paper and remove the
baking paper. Set aside.

Lime cream

Soften the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water.
In a saucepan over a low heat, heat half the lime purée, caster sugar
and well-drained gelatine without going over 50°C.
Off the heat, add the rest of the lemon purée, whisking well.
Leave to cool (very important).
Add ¼ of the Italian meringue and whisk well to combine.
Add the remaining Italian meringue and fold it in carefully.
Carefully fold in the whipped cream with a spatula. Put in a piping bag.


Line the mould with greaseproof paper or a guitar sheet. Line with the biscuit, with the zigzags at the bottom.
Fill the mould 2/3 full with the lime cream. Carefully put the frozen filling in, pushing it down a little.
Complete with the remaining lime cream and smooth over. Finish with the lemon zest biscuit, pushing down gently
to seal the mould. Freeze. Decorate with Christmas decorations of your choice. For example, apply green colouring
in spray, reminding lemon and/or add chocolate sauce and chunks.

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