Halloween strawberry mousse jelly, summer berry coulis and Chantilly cream

Verrine Halloween mousse Gelée, coulis de fruits rouges et chantilly Download the recipe


Strawberry mousse
(for 12 large glasses)

  • Léonce Blanc strawberry purée 600 g
  • Sugar 160 g
  • Gold gelatine sheets 12 g
  • Cream 35% fat 1 L

Raspberry/strawberry jelly

Summer berry coulis

  • Use a bottle of Léonce Blanc summer berry coulis

Chantilly cream

  • Very cold cream 35% fat 600 g
  • Icing sugar 70 g
  • Vanilla (extract or powder)


Mousse Fraise

Soften the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. Whisk the cream, to soft peaks. Refrigerate.
Gently heat 100g of the Léonce Blanc strawberry purée and add the soaked, well-drained gelatine. Mix well without too much heat.
Add the remaining strawberry purée to this mixture.
Whisk in 1/4 of the whipped cream and mix well.
Gently fold in the remaining whipped cream with a spatula.
Fold everything carefully together. Pour into a piping bag.

Raspberry/strawberry jelly

Soften the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water.
Gently heat the Léonce Blanc lime purée and 50g of the Léonce
Blanc raspberry purée in a small casserole without exceeding 50°C.
Add the drained gelatine and whisk to combine.
Add to the Léonce Blanc raspberry and strawberry purées.
Mix well. Pour into a film-lined frame, to a maximum thickness of 1cm.

Chantilly cream

Put the cream, icing sugar and vanilla in a very cold mixer bowl.
Whisk the cream to soft peaks.
Pour into a piping bag with a plain nozzle (4 to 6mm).


Cut the jelly into small cubes.
In cold glasses, pour in the strawberry mousse to create a dome.
Decorate with a little strawberry coulis around the base of the mousse.
Use the piping bag and plain nozzle to pipe threads of Chantilly in zigzags on the mousse, making it look like a
brain. Using the bottle of coulis, draw threads on the cream to look like blood. Refrigerate.
Suggestion : top the glasses with jelly cubes for sale.

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