Blackcurrant ganache for moulded truffles and chocolates

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MELT the chocolate.
HEAT the blackcurrant purée to 85°C.
Pour the blackcurrant purée over the melted chocolate in 3 goes.
COMBINE with a spatula, starting from the middle to create an emulsion.
CONTINUE to mix whilst pouring to keep this emulsion.
ADD the diced butter, combine then blend without adding any air.
LEAVE TO COOL, cover with film and chill for at least 2 hours.

Using a disposable piping bag and plain nozzle, PIPE the ganache
into the milk chocolate shells.
SEAL the shells with the tempered chocolate.
LEAVE to set then hand-coat with tempered milk chocolate and roll in cocoa powder.
LEAVE the chocolate to set.


Pack in air-tight boxes and chill.

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