Fresh citrus with rum baba

Agrumes frais et baba au rhum Download the recipe


Baba dough

(for 3x22cm babas, you can use Kougelhof tins)

  • Butter 100 g
  • Yeast 20 g
  • Whole milk 20 cl
  • Flour 450 g
  • Caster sugar 40 g
  • Whole eggs 250 g
  • Salt 10 g
  • Zest of an untreated lime 1

Soaking syrup

Finition et dressage

  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Clementines
  • Soaking syrup
  • Babas
  • Léonce Blanc apricot coating
  • Chantilly cream or high-quality thick cream


Baba dough

Over a gentle heat, melt the butter in a saucepan whisking continuously.
Allow to colour and the fragrance to develop.
Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
In the mixer bowl, dilute the yeast in warm milk.
Add the flour, sugar, eggs.
Mix once with the paddle then add the zest and salt.
Continue to mix for 15 minutes at medium speed until the dough comes together. Reduce the speed and slowly add the melted butter.
Continue beating at high speed for 10 minutes.
Grease 3 tins and divide the dough between them about 3/4 up each tin.
Cover the tins and let them prove in a steam oven until they reach the top.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (or 180°C in a fan oven).
Bake for 25 to 35 minutes (adapt baking times to your oven).
Turn out and continue cooking on the rack if they look a little pale.
Cool on a rack.


Bring all the ingredients except the alcohol to the boil.
Leave to cool to 70°C then add the alcohol. Mix well.

Finition et dressage

Zest the oranges and tangerines for the syrup, if untreated.
Peel the citrus fruit and remove the segments.
Keep the segments in the juice.
Soak the baba upside down in the warm syrup then carefully turn it over.
Drain slightly and put on a dish with a lip.
Sprinkle your chosen alcohol over the baba, then cover with apricot coating.
Fill the centre of the baba and the edge of the dish with the citrus segments.
Serve the Chantilly cream or thick cream separately.


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