Small vanilla lychee mango Charlotte

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Ingredients :

Coloured biscuit (for a 40 x 60 cm sheet)

  • Whole eggs 300 g
  • Sugar 180 g
  • T45 flour 150 g
  • Ground almonds 60 g
  • Melted butter 45 g
  • Colouring depends on the chosen fruit flavours.

Kasha praline crisp

  • Kasha praline 100 g
  • White chocolate 100 g
  • Crêpe dentelle 100 g

Mango lychee filling (for 25 x 20 g disks)

Mascarpone vanilla mousse (for 12 charlottes)

  • Gelatine Gold – 200 Bloom 3 g
  • Whole milk 20 cl
  • Vanilla pod 1/2
  • Cornstarch 25 g
  • Granulated sugar 75 g
  • Single cream 35 % fat 150 g
  • Mascarpone 100 g


Preparation :

Coloured biscuit

MELT the butter gently. PUT to one side. SIFT together the flour and ground almonds. BEAT the eggs and sugar together in the machine for 10 minutes. ADD the colouring without exceeding the authorised dose. Delicately add to the (ground almonds + flour) mixture. BEAT some of the dough into the cooled melted butter, then add this mixture to the dough. SPREAD ONTO a baking sheet lined with baking paper using a spatula. BAKE at 170°C for 8 minutes (adapt baking times to your oven). Watch the time and the temperature; make sure the biscuit keeps its colour.
As soon as the biscuit is out of the oven, turn it onto another sheet of baking paper and carefully remove the paper from underneath. PUT the paper back on the top and put to one side.

Kasha praline crisp

MELT the white chocolate, add the praline then the crushed crêpe dentelle. SPREAD between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper to 3mm thick. CHILL. CUT OUT in the chosen mould shape.

Mango lychee filling

SOAK the gelatine sheets in cold water. COMBINE the sugar and the fruit purées. HEAT to 65°C stirring. ADD the softened and squeezed out gelatine. BLEND, cool to 35°C and pipe into silicon moulds. Chill until set then freeze.

Mascarpone vanilla mousse

SOAK the gelatine sheets in cold water. WHIP the cream and Mascarpone, chill. INFUSE the milk with the vanilla pod and scrapings. MIX the cornstarch and sugar. ADD the hot milk and combine, heat the mixture like a crème pâtissière. ADD the squeezed out gelatine and mix. COOL to 35°C, add the cream and mascarpone mixture. Fill half way up the desired moulds, coated with biscuit or not. PUT IN
the filling and cover with a little round of biscuit. FINISH filling the mould with the vanilla mousse. Smooth. FREEZE.


On a praline disk, place a disk of biscuit, then the frozen dessert.
Cover with a disk of biscuit. Decorate.
Keep refrigerated.

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