Chocolate dacquoise

  • Egg white 300 g
  • Sugar 100 g
  • Almond powder 270 g
  • Cocoa powder 10 g
  • Sugar powder 220 g

Egg white, sugar mix into meringue. MIX almond powder, sugar powder and cocoa powder into a food processor and MIX well with meringue. POUR into 40 x 60 cm baking tray and BAKE for about 18 minutes at 165°C.

Lychee ganache

  • Dark chocolate 52 et 47% 1 810 g
  • Milk chocolate 35% 610 g
  • Léonce Blanc lychee purée 1 910 g
  • Cream A 1 250g
  • Invert sugar 300 g
  • Cream B 1 200 g
  • Lychee liqueur 50 g

HEAT the puree, cream A and invert sugar and mix well. ADD the melted chocolate to the mixture and mix well. Then ADD chilled cream B and lychee liqueur. BLEND. POUR ganache into the mold.

Lychee raspberry coulis

HEAT the puree and sugar. MIX with the softened gelatin. FILL into the mold and add the chopped frozen raspberries. FROZEN.

Raspberry jam

  • IQF raspberry 2 000 g
  • Sugar A 720 g
  • Glucose 320 g
  • Sugar B 480 g
  • Pectin 80 g
  • Lemon juice 70 g

HEAT the raspberry, sugar A, glucose and MIX well. MIX sugar B and pectin and add to above. COOK to the brix 58° and ADD lemon juice then turn off the fire. APPLY a thin layer of this jam to the chocolate dacquoise.
MAKE chocolate and whipped cream into ganache.
2. Mirror pectin, water and sugar to boil together.
3. After step 1 plus 2, HOMOGENIZE with a homogenizer.
4. ADD red toner and MIX well to use.

Chocolate mirror

  • Dark chocolate 500 g
  • Cream 385 g
  • Nappage 500 g
  • Water 160 g
  • Sugar 160 g
  • Red powder QS

MAKE chocolate and cream into ganache. Nappage, water and sugar to boil. HOMOGENIZE above together. ADD red colour and BLEND well to use.

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