LINE and bake the pies. POUR the lychee cream. LAY on the surface the sponge finger. FREEZE. LAY the berry mix jelly disc. DECORATE.
(RINGS OF 16, 18, 20 ET 22 CM IN DIAMETER)
Sweet pastry
Butter 550 g
Icing sugar 300 g
Salt 2,5 g
Invert sugar 40 g
Liquid vanilla 15 g
Whole eggs 55 g
Egg yolks 55 g
Flour 625 g
Wholemeal flour 200 g
Baking powder 10 g
Almond powder 100 g
WITH THE FLAT BEATER, cream the butter. ADD the icing sugar, the salt, the invert sugar and the liquid vanilla. INCORPORATE the egg yolks and the whole eggs gradually. KNEAD the flour, the wholemeal flour, the baking powder and the almond powder. KEEP aside.
Sponge finger
Egg whites 100 g
Egg whites powder 0,50 g
Invert sugar 6 g
Caster sugar 65 g
Egg yolks 60 g
Flour 40 g
Maïzena 40 g
WITH THE MIXER’S WHIP, whisk the egg whites with the egg white powder, the invert sugar and the caster sugar. ADD the egg yolks. MIX the flour and the Maïzena previously sifted. MAKE discs of 14, 16, 18, 20 cm diameter. BAKE at 180°C/356°F for 12 minutes.
Lychee cream
Gelatin powder 200 bloom 9 g
Water 45 g
- Frozen lychee puree Léonce Blanc 550 g
Egg yolks 110 g
Whole eggs 150 g
Caster sugar 55 g
Butter 190 g
SOAK the gelatin in cold water. IN A SAUCEPAN, boil the lychee puree. ADD the egg yolks, the whole eggs and the caster sugar previously blanched. HEAT at 85°C/185°F. INCORPORATE the softened gelatin and mix together. MIX with the butter at 45°C/113°F. KEEP aside.
Berry mix jelly
(4 rings of 14, 16,18 and 20 cm in diameter)
Gelatin powder 200 bloom 25 g
Water 125 g
- IQF berry mix Léonce Blanc 1000 g
Water 800 g
Caster sugar 100 g
- Frozen lemon puree Léonce Blanc 15 g
Raspberry syrup 300 g
Vanilla pod 2
Caster sugar 100 g
Agar agar 7 g½
SOAK the gelatin in cold water. PUT the IQF berry mix into a sifter and let stand for 5 hours. IN A SAUCEPAN, heat at 60°C/140°F the water, the caster sugar, the lemon puree, the strawberry syrup and the grated vanilla pod. ADD the caster sugar and the agar agar previously mixed together. BOIL and add the softened gelatin. POUR the syrup on the berry mix. STRAIN it and restart the operation three times. LAY the strained berry mix in filmed rings of 14, 16, 18 et 20 cm in diameter and 2 cm high. POUR the jelly until the top of the ring. REFRIGERATE. (Do not freeze).
Hot neutral topping 250 g
Iridescent copper powder Q.S
MAKE chocolate curls with the black couverture chocolate.