Iced chestnut soufflé blackcurrant compote

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Blackcurrant compote

IQF frozen Léonce Blanc blackcurrants 700 g
Vanilla pod 1
Caster sugar 180 g
Pectin NH 7 g

Blackcurrant coulis

IQF frozen Léonce Blanc blackcurrants 500 g
Caster sugar 150 g

Iced chestnut soufflé

Sugar 200 g
Water 70 g
Egg yolk 200 g
Chestnut cream 250 g
Cream 35% fat 500 g
Marron glacé pieces


Blackcurrant compote

Pour the blackcurrants into a saucepan.
Heat gently to 50°C.
Add the vanilla and sugar mixed with pectin.
Bring to the boil and cook, regularly checking the set (on a cold plate).

Blackcurrant coulis

Gently heat the blackcurrant and sugar.
Blend using a hand blender. Sieve if necessary. Refrigerate.

Iced chestnut soufflé

Soften the chestnut cream.
In a cold mixer bowl, whisk the cream.
Pour the egg yolks into the mixer bowl and whisk.
In a suitable saucepan over a medium heat, pour in the sugar and water.
When the sugar reaches 116°C, slowly add to the egg yolks pouring down the edge of the mixer bowl, without touching the whisk.
Whisk until cool.
Whisk in the chestnut cream without losing any air from the mixture.
Fold in 1/4 of the whipped cream with a spatula and mix well.
Add the remaining whipped cream and fold it in carefully.


Line traditional soufflé tins with greaseproof paper to a few above the top of the tins and pour in the mixture.
We recommend using a tall, pretty tea or coffee cup. Pipe a little soufflé mixture into the bottom of the cup, making
a very slight hollow. In the centre, put a spoonful of blackcurrant compote. Fill the cups to the very top and smooth
over. You can decorate with a piece of marron glacé in the middle. Freeze. Put the cups in the freezer at -14°C for
one hour before serving. Serve the blackcurrant coulis separately.

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