Exotic coconut cake

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LAY a slice of candied pineapple crisp at the bottom of the cake shape. FILL the half-sphere cake shapes (with a 7cm diameter) with two thirds of coconut cake. LAY the exotic fruits and coat with the remaining coconut cake. BAKE at 170°C/338°F for 16 minutes. RIGHT out of oven, soak the cakes with the exotic syrup. FREEZE and unmold. ICE the cakes bottoms with white icing paste and scatter the edges with grated coconut. DECORATE.

Candied pineapple crisps

  • Pineapple carpaccio Léonce Blanc 24 slices
  • Caster sugar 150 g

LAY the pineapple carpaccio in a pan and coat with caster sugar. LET STAND for 2 hours and boil. DRAIN and dry in oven at 110°C/230°F for 20 minutes in half-sphere silicone moulds with a 7cm diameter.

Coconut cake

  • Brown sugar 110 g
  • Invert sugar 90 g
  • Frozen coconut puree Léonce Blanc 140 g
  • Whole eggs 140 g
  • Grated coconut 140 g
  • Flour 80 g
  • Baking powder 5 g
  • Butter 120 g

HEAT the brown sugar, the invert sugar, the coconut puree and the whole eggs in a water-bath at 40°C/104°F. WITH THE FLAT BEATER, whisk the mixture until blanching. ADD the grated coconut and the sifted flour with the baking powder. POUR the butter, cold and well mixed.

Exotic filling

  • Exotic fruit salad Léonce Blanc 600 g
  • Caster sugar 120 g
  • Butter 60 g

MIX the frozen fruits with caster sugar. LET MACERATE for 6 hours at 4°C/32,2°F. IN A SAUCEPAN, heat the butter and sear the fruits previously drained for a few seconds.

Exotic syrup

  • Fruit juice from fruit salad 125 g
  • Caster sugar 50 g
  • Coconut Malibu 15 g


  • IQF decor cocoa pods Léonce Blanc 12
  • Candied pineapple crisps 12
  • Isolmat 150 g
  • IQF decor raspberries Léonce Blanc 12
  • Hot neutral topping 120 g
  • White icing paste 200 g
  • Grated coconut 200 g

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