Coconut mango pineapple plated Dessert

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(1 frame 40X60 CM)



LAY the coconut biscuit in a dessert frame. POUR the mango and ginger coulis. END with the coconut mousse. FREEZE. CUT into 12×2 cm rectangles. DECORATE with the pineapple crisps and raspberries.

Coconut biscuit

  • Caster sugar 240 g
  • Invert sugar 180 g
  • Frozen coconut puree Léonce Blanc 290 g
  • Whole eggs 290 g
  • Flour 250 g
  • Baking powder 10 g
  • Butter 240 g
  • Grated coconut 300 g

HEAT the sugar, the invert sugar and the frozen coconut puree at 45°C/113°F. POUR the eggs one by one. ADD the sifted flour with the baking powder. ADD the melted butter and the grated coconut. BAKE at 165°C/329°F for 15 minutes.

Mango and ginger coulis

  • Gelatin powder 200 bloom 8 g
  • Water 40 g
  • Butter 35 g
  • IQF mango diced Léonce Blanc 400 g
  • Fresh ginger 10 g
  • Frozen mango puree Léonce Blanc 900 g
  • Caster sugar 100 g
  • Pectin NH 20 g

SOAK the gelatine in cold water. IN A SAUCEPAN, melt the butter and boil together with the diced mangos and the grated ginger. POUR the mango puree and boil. ADD the caster sugar and the pectin NH previously mixed together. BOIL for 2 minutes.

Coconut mousse

  • Gelatin powder 200 bloom 14 g
  • Water 70 g
  • Frozen coconut puree  Léonce Blanc  750 g
  • Caster sugar 40 g
  • Coconut Malibu 35 g
  • Liquid cream 425 g

SOAK the gelatin in cold water. HEAT the gelatin in a microwave at 45°C/113°F. ADD the coconut puree, the caster sugar and the coconut Malibu previously mixed together. MIX the whipped cream.

Pineapple crisps

  • Pineapple Carpaccio Léonce Blanc  1000 g

LAY the pineapple slices on a baking tray on a silicone sheet. DRY into oven at 60°C/140°F for 2 hours.


  • IQF décor raspberries  Léonce Blanc  800 g
  • Isomalt 1000 g
  • IQF Meeker raspberries Léonce Blanc 1000 g
  • Neutral hot topping 1000 g

SOAK the raspberries in the isomalt. COAT the Meeker raspberries.

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