Frozen chestnut pear yule log

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DIVIDE the sorbet in three parts. INSERT the chestnut mousse. COVERED with the candied pear. SPREAD the pear sorbet surplus and top with same size biscuit already soaked. FREEZE, coat and decorate.

(3 cakes of 51X8 cm)

Pear Biscuit

  • Frozen pear puree 170 g
  • Icing sugar 175 g
  • Almond powder 230 g
  • Egg Yolks 150 g
  • Whole eggs 80 g
  • Egg whites 280 g
  • Caster sugar 110 g
  • Flour 150 g

HEAT UP the frozen pear purée, the icing sugar, the almond powder, the yolks and the whole eggs at 40°C/104°F. WITH A BEATER, WHISK those ingredients until complete cooling. WHISK the whites with the caster sugar. MIX all together. ADD the flour previously sifted. PREPARE two baking trays of 650g and cook over 180°C/356°F for 10 minutes. DIVIDE IN 3 biscuit strips of 51X8cm and 3 strips of 50X4cm each. SOAK them with the alcohol pear punch. FREEZE.

Chestnut Mousse

(3 cake shape of 50X4 cm)Eau 50 g

COOK the water with the caster sugar at 120°C/248°F WITH A BEATER, whisk the egg whites until frothy. POUR boiled sugar on the whites. BEAT until complete cooling. MIX gently the chestnut cream with the Italian meringue. ADD the foamy cream. DIVIDE in three parts and pour into a shape of log form of 50X4cm. DISPLAY same size biscuit strips. FREEZE.

Pear Punch

  • Water 95 g
  • Caster sugar 80 g
  • Invert sugar 30 g
  • Alcohol of pear 40 g

IN A SAUCEPAN boil together the water, the caster sugar and the invert sugar. ADD the alcohol and stock in the fridge.

Cubes de poire confite

IN A SAUCEPAN boil together the pears with the sugar until complete juice evaporation. KEEP 400g of candied pear diced for decoration.

Pear sorbet

  • Pear puree Léonce Blanc 2700 g
  • Water 380 g
  • Caster sugar 400 g
  • Atomised Glucose 230 g
  • Caster sugar 150 g
  • Stabilizer for sorbet 12 g

IN A SAUCEPAN boil together the pear purée, the water and the caster sugar. ADD the atomised glucose, the caster sugar and the stabilizer previously mixed together. PASTEURIZED the whole preparation and mix. LEAVE to stand at least 4 hours before to whisk. MIX and whisk.

Pear icing

  • Gelatin powder 200 bloom 14 g
  • Water 70 g
  • Caster sugar 240 g
  • Glucose 80 g
  • Liquid cream 260 g
  • Pear puree Léonce Blanc 260 g
  • Milk powder 0% 60 g
  • Cold neutral topping 250 g
  • Yellow liposoluble coloring 5 g

SOAK the gelatin in cold water. IN A SAUCEPAN boil together the caster sugar, the glucose, the liquid cream, the pear puree, the milk powder, the cold neutral topping and the coloring. ADD the softened gelatin and mix all together.


  • Candied pear 400 g
  • Black couverture chocolate 600 g

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