Chocolate and coconut candy

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FILL the moulds bottom with the coconut crumble. POUR the coconut ganache. LET crystallized for 12 hours. CLOSE with black couverture chocolate. KEEP aside and unmould.

Coconut crumble

  • Butter 100 g
  • Brown sugar 100 g
  • Flour 100 g
  • Grated coconut 100 g

MIX all the chilled ingredients until forming a homogeneous paste. GRATE AND BAKE at 160°C/320°F until obtaining a homogeneous colour. COOL AND INCORPORATE 45g of melted butter.

Coconut ganache

  • Frozen coconut puree  Léonce Blanc 250 g
  • Glucose 30 g
  • Coconut Malibu 40 g
  • White chocolate 480 g

IN A PAN, boil the coconut puree, the glucose and the coconut Malibu. POUR on the white chocolate, previously melted. EMULSIFY with the beater and keep aside.


  • Cocoa butter 50 g
  • White chocolate 2 g
  • Black couverture chocolate 65% 2000 g

HEAT the cocoa butter at 40°C/104°F. ADD the white liposoluble colouring. MIX. At 30°C/86°F, MAKE drops in the chocolate moulds with the cocoa butter and colouring mixture. TEMPER black chocolate and line the cabosse moulds. LET CRYSTALLIZED.

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