Vacherin-style iced log : Vanilla ice cream / fruity raspberry sorbet

Buche glacée comme un vacherin Download the recipe


French meringue
(pour une buche de 50×10 cm – 2 litres)

  • Egg whites 240 g
  • Sugar 480 g

Whipped cream

  • Cream 35% fat, very cold 50 cl
  • Caster sugar 100 g
    Vanilla extract

Vanilla ice cream

  • Scraped or crushed vanilla pods 9 g
  • Whole milk 1220 g
  • Milk powder 0% fat 100 g
  • Pasteurised egg yolk 160 g
  • Unsalted butter 120 g
  • Caster sugar 260 g
  • Combined stabiliser 4 g
  • Glucose powder DE 36/39 70 g

Fruity raspberry sorbet

  • Water 500 g
  • Sugar 200 g
  • Sorbet stabiliser 6 g
  • Glucose powder DE 36/39 50 g
  • Léonce Blanc raspberry purée 1 kg


Meringue française

Preheat the oven to 130°C.
In the mixer bowl slowly whisk the egg whites and 1/3 of the sugar.
When the mixture is smooth, increase the speed to medium and add another third of sugar.
When the meringue is whisked but still soft, stop the machine.
Carefully fold in the last third of the sugar with a spatula.
On baking paper, use a 14mm nozzle to pipe a 50 x 10cm rectangle and a 50 x 4cm rectangle. Spread the remaining meringue on another lined baking tray with a spatula.
Bake at 130°C for 6 minutes then turn the oven down to 90°C and continue cooking for at least 2 hours. Check the meringue as it bakes.

Whipped cream

Put the chilled cream and the vanilla extract in a very cold mixer bowl.
Beat the cream at medium speed. Add the sugar after 2 minutes. Continue to beat the cream keeping it quite soft.

Vanilla ice cream

Put the whole milk and the scraped or crushed vanilla pods in the pasteuriser or a saucepan.
At 25°C, add the powdered milk. Mix well.
At 35°C, add the butter and egg yolk and mix well.
At 45°C, combine the sugar and stabilise then add the glucose powder. Mix well. Add to the mixture and mix well.
Heat at 85°C for 3 minutes. Cool quickly to 4°C.
Leave to rest at 4°C for at least 4 hours and a maximum of 16 hours.
Filter, then blend and churn.
Immediately after churning, fill the frozen mould.

Fruity raspberry sorbet

Pour the water into a suitable saucepan or pasteuriser and then heat.
Combine the sugar and the stabiliser, mix well, then add the glucose powder and mix again. Add the water at 25°C and mix well.
Heat the mixture to 85°C for 3 minutes, then cool quickly to 4°C.
Blend. Leave for at least 4 hours and a maximum of 16 hours.
Just before churning, add the frozen Léonce Blanc raspberry purée at 4°C and blend.
Churn and mould immediately. Use the remainder for another dish.


Line a log mould 50cm long by 10cm wide with baking paper or guitar sheets. Pipe in the ice cream in an even layer following the shape of the mould. Freeze. Add 1/3 fruity raspberry sorbet. Smooth then top with the 50x4cm meringue and push down lightly. Add raspberry sorbet to half-way up the mould and smooth. Top with the 50x8cm meringue and push down lightly. Freeze. Before selling, turn out the log and cut to the desired length. Cover the log with whipped cream, decorate using the piping bag and basketweave nozzle. Finish with Christmas decorations. As an addtional decoration, break the sheet of meringue and garnish the cream with meringue pieces, pushing down lightly.

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