Cherry chocolate cake

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  • Muffinmix gluten free 200 g
  • Egg 90 g
  • Water 90 g
  • Vegetable oil 70 g
  • Cocoa powder 10-12% 40 g

ADD all ingredients into a bowl and STIR for 1 minute at slow speed.
SCRAPE the edges and mix for 5 minutes at medium speed.
DIVIDE the mass into 2 molds, 22 cm and 18 cm in diameter, flatten and bake in an air oven at 190°C for 15 minutes. LET it cool. REMOVE the 18 cm base from the mold, but leave the 22 cm bottom in the mold.

Vanilla cream

  • Supreme Superor 40 g
  • Water 100 g
  • Dark cherry filling 200 g

MIX Supreme Superior with water and STIR for 2-3 minutes. PUT the 18 cm cake ring on top of the 22 cm cake base and EXTRUDE the cream into the inner cake rings sides. FILL the middle part with cherry filling and PRESS the 18 cm cake base as a lid. FREEZE and gently loosen the 18 cm mold with a knife.

Chocolate mousse

  • Sugar 60 g
  • Egg yolk 120 g
  • Léonce Blanc sour cherry purée 210 g
  • Ivory Coast dark chocolate 60% 180 g
  • Ivory Coast dark chocolate 70% 120 g
  • Cream, lactose free 300 g

COOK the sugar, egg yolk and cherry purée in a 82°C water bath, stirring well all the time. ADD the chocolate and emulsify it with a stick blender.
LET it cool to 35°C and add the whipped cream. POUR the mousse over the cake bases and level with a palette, FREEZE. REMOVE the cake when still icy.


  • Diamond Glaze chocolate 200 g

HEAT the Diamond Glaze to 40°C and drain over the cake and edges into stripes. DECORATE.

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