Duck breast with red berries

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REMOVE the duck breast from the fridge 15 minutes before cooking.
TRIM the meat if necessary.
SCORE the fat in diamond shapes without cutting into the meat.
HEAT a heavy frying pan over a moderate heat.
PUT IN the breast skin side down and cook for 10 minutes.
TURN the breast over, season and cook for a further 5 to 10 minutes depending on the weight and thickness.
REMOVE the duck breast and leave to rest on a warm plate, skin side down.
REMOVE most of the fat from the pan, turn the heat down and add the chopped shallots.
STIR with a wooden spoon.
DEGLAZE with the water, SCRAPE the duck juices and bits from the bottom of the pan with the wooden spoon and reduce by half.
ADD the Léonce Blanc red fruits purée, then the IQF whole blackcurrants.
REDUCE over a low heat. Season.
REHEAT the duck breast if necessary, then slice.
DRESS a warm plate with the sauce.
LAYER the sliced duck on top of the sauce.

Decorate with the blackcurrants cooked in the sauce.

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