Our commitment

A historical quality certification:

Léonce Blanc products, like all of the Valade group’s products, benefit from a historic know-how and mastery of the most stringent regulations and standards.

Thus, Léonce Blanc products are subject to HACCP and IFS regulations to the “High level” standard (over 95%).

Continuous improvement:

The company adheres to a procedure of continuous improvement: expert sourcing. Quality and R&D regularly share trends and opportunities in terms of cultivation, ingredients and technology with the logic of continuous improvement of the product range. Linked to the relationships prioritised through the network, this approach adheres to a desire for excellence.

A responsible approach:

Adhering to the group’s general approach, the development of the Léonce Blanc range contributes to corporate social responsibility through collaboration with networks, contributing to the sustainable growth of the land and the region and the development of competencies.


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